We recently came across an application of XLhub in a Data Warehouse. Here is the scenario: The contents of the dimension tables in a data warehouse need to be modified from time to time. For example, new Products have to be added to the Product dimension table or the descriptions of existing products need to be modified. No online forms are available for viewing or editing the dimension tables.
In the past, when Product Managers needed to make a change, they made a request to the IT department. The IT department updated the tables by executing a SQL script that contained INSERT and MODIFY commands. Now, the Product Managers make the changes directly. The Product dimension table is hubbed to a spreadsheet. The Product Managers make the inserts or edits in the Excel workbook, and using XLhub, save the changes to the SQL Server table.
Since XLhub maintains an audit trail, and does not overwrite any data in the SQL Server tables, IT is able to have control over changes. Using XLhub relieves the IT team from having to work on such requests, and the the business can quickly make the changes to the data warehouse dimension tables without waiting in line for IT’s backlog to clear.